
Anaesthetic products are categorised into two classes, namely general anaesthetics, which cause a reversible loss of consciousness; and local anaesthetics, which cause a reversible loss of sensation locally (e.g. for local surgical procedures) or for a limited region of the body such as epidural anaesthesia, while maintaining consciousness.

Our diverse product range includes, inter alia, Diprivan and Ultiva (general anaesthetics used for induction, maintenance and recovery); Nimbex ( a muscle relaxant used to facilitate intubation during surgical procedures) and a number of local anaesthetics including topical agents such as EMLA.
Brand | API | Type |
Diprivan | Propofol | General |
EMLA | Lidocaine / Prilocaine | Local |
Naropin | Ropivacaine | Local |
Ultiva | Remifentanil | General |
Xylocaine | Lidocaine | Local |